Where did January go?! Every year it seems that time speeds up and each month flashes by faster than the last one. Now January has disappeared in a haze of summer holidays and February is already upon us! Time to make some plans for this month.
I never do well with following up on my New Year’s resolutions in January. With the start of a new month, it’s a perfect time to reboot, and plan to fit more language learning, day trips, and relaxation into my days.
Here’s what I’m working on for February:
Re-introducing myself to French
This will technically be the sixth year I’ve learned French, so you’d expect me to be pretty good, right? Mais non! Having taken a break from it since last October, I can feel myself forgetting my vocab and grammar. Classes start back this month, and at the level I’m at, staying quiet and self-doubting in class is not an option anymore. If I’m going to get better, I must practice speaking.
I need to drag out my French books, brush up on my vocab, and face my fears of conversing in French by attending my local French Meetup Group.
If you have any suggestions to help with this, I’d love to hear them!
I’ve taken a break from blogging, mainly due to the lack of faith I had in my writing style, and why people would care about what I write. Every time I’d sit down to write I would judge myself even before I had written anything. My mind would go blank and the doubts would creep in. This changes this month.
I need to establish a writing routine and stick to it. If I keep showing up to write, eventually the writing will happen.
Exploring my local area
I want to travel more around South Australia as well as interstate. We have so many great and interesting things to see and do here in Australia, that I want to take advantage of what my local area has to offer.
It’s unseasonably cool here in Australia at the moment (last weekend was in the low twenties) – the perfect weather to get out and about exploring the Adelaide Hills and checking out the city.
Finalising my next overseas trip
I’m currently planning to visit the US and go to Disneyland, which I’m really excited about, and working out how to fit in Canada and Ireland into the same trip. Scotland and Norway, get ready to meet your match!
What are your plans for February?